Gopal in 90 Seconds S3

April 16, 2023

S3 E1 Should you Stay with a few jobs or change many during your career?

This question is asked by young people mainly. You should focus on whether you are still learning at your current job. The day you are convinced you are not learning anymore, then you should think about changing your job
April 16, 2023

S3 E2 How to respond when younger people threaten your position or expertise?

The audience asks this question a lot. The first thing you have to do is to maintain your youthfulness and be as current as you can. When you can't maintain your youthfulness, encourage the next generation as you will encourage your children.
April 16, 2023

S3 E3 How do you judge it’s a good time to say goodbye to your career?

A career is a phase of life. Changing your career means altering it and therefore it is very important to build other interests So, developing non-career interests progressively in the 2nd part of your life is an important part.
April 16, 2023

S3 E4 What should I do after retirement?

We are all deeply into certain things, We should develop those interests so that we can do them afterward in the next phase. I also started my career at Hindustan Unilever after that I was at Tata, and then I went on to my 3rd career, I have written 17 books, and I do videos, podcasts, and talks. You have to find a way to market the experiential wealth that you have gathered.
April 16, 2023

S3 E5 How does tradition & culture manifest in an organization?

There are many ways in which it can manifest itself. for example, Being respectful of authority and seniors of age in the company. Another example can be, Getting to the point quickly rather than being long waited.
April 16, 2023

S3 E6 How fast can culture change in an organization?

In any organization, there are 2 parts o change in transformation. one is the rational left brain part and 2nd is the right brain which is the empathetic part. Most managers tend to be left-brain which is rational and objective. When it comes to bringing cultural change to the organization, take your time!!
April 16, 2023

S3 E7 How to develop unicorns into long-life institutions?

I will be sharing some rules for long-lasting unicorn institutions. like dealing with short-term and long-term simultaneously and developing critical thinking in your organization.
April 16, 2023

S3 E8 How to develop unicorns into long life through people power?

Every long-life institution has been a unicorn at some point. You have to nurture people, it means building the intensity of talent. We cant treat recruitment of talent as a cost that you can turn off when times are tough and turn on when times are good
April 16, 2023

S3 E9 How to deal with long & short-term to turn unicorns into Long-life institutions?

This is the 2nd rule for turning unicorns into long-life institutions. I'll be taking the example of a mother on how to deal with long-term and short-term matters simultaneously. We cant treat recruitment of talent as a cost that you can turn off when times are tough and turn on when times are good