R. Gopalakrishnan, Author and Corporate Advisor, rgopal@themindworks.me In my last column, I had likened the fertilization of a concept in the brain to the development of a foetus in the womb.11th Nov 2016, BUSINESS STANDARD
By R Gopalakrishnan, Author and Corporate Advisor There was an amazing response to my metaphor of ‘concept in the brain’ resembling a foetus in the womb (BS, 14th October 2016). In both cases fertilization has occurred but existence has not happened.14th Oct 2016, BUSINESS STANDARD
By R Gopalakrishnan, Author and Corporate Advisor We routinely use the reproduction metaphor when we talk about ideas, for example, we use expressions like “The idea was born”, “How the idea was conceived”, or “The idea was aborted.” How did this metaphor of an idea in the brain and a foetus in the womb come about?2nd October 2016, ECONOMIC TIMES
On Gandhi’s birth anniversary and as the government designs its global communications after the horrific Uri incident, I am tempted to recall Gandhi’s response in the face of great provocation.20th September 2016, ECONOMIC TIMES
The Hindu belief is that we are born with an opening balance sheet of good and bad deeds, karma. We don’t know the balance sheet, so we get on with our lives. Through life’s actions, further good and bad deeds occur along with their consequences.02nd Sep 2016, BUSINESS STANDARD
By R Gopalakrishnan, Author and Corporate Advisor To illustrate that innovation is possible even with a subject like open defecation (OD), I had written two earlier columns (BS 18th April 2014 and 8th Jan 2016).28th August 2016, ECONOMIC TIMES
The World Economic Forum places India at number 91 in readiness to transform intoa digitalised economy. Notwithstanding this poor ranking, the government’s Digital India idea is futuristic and compelling. The plan comprises three components: creation of a digital infrastructure, delivering services digitally and digital literacy.05th Aug 2016, BUSINESS STANDARD
By R Gopalakrishnan, Author and Corporate Advisor The previous column (BS, 8th July) explored what it would take Patanjali Ayurved to build on its fabulous chutzpah in the FMCG market. Reflecting over readers’ responses,16th July 2016, ECONOMIC TIMES
Participating in a senior leadership seminar in 1989 on ‘Quality Convenience Foods’ at Four Acres, Kingston-upon-Thames, along with twenty four Unilever managers, I sliced and diced reams and reams of data over an exciting fortnight.