By R Gopalakrishnan, Author and Corporate Advisor The previous column (BS, 8th July) explored what it would take Patanjali Ayurved to build on its fabulous chutzpah in the FMCG market. Reflecting over readers’ responses,16th July 2016, ECONOMIC TIMES
Participating in a senior leadership seminar in 1989 on ‘Quality Convenience Foods’ at Four Acres, Kingston-upon-Thames, along with twenty four Unilever managers, I sliced and diced reams and reams of data over an exciting fortnight.8th July 2016, BUSINESS STANDARD
Bill Gross, the founder of many start-ups and the incubator of many others, delivered a TED talk in June 2015. While he is passionate that start-ups are the biggest drivers in any economy, he was also curious about why some start-ups succeed and other fail;12th Jun 2016, ECONOMIC TIMES
By R Gopalakrishnan Financial crises of nations and companies produce prodromal signals, which means advance warnings. The challenge is around how you interpret and respond to those prodromal signals.10th June 2016, BUSINESS STANDARD
(Humans are the only species--among 8.7 million created--that think, reflect, act, discover and learn in a cycle of incessant learning). The ancestor of innovation is thought; without thought, there could be no innovation. In management while innovation attracts profound commentary, analysis, awe and cynicism, all at once, thought attracts less commentary.5th Jun 2016, ECONOMIC TIMES
By R Gopalakrishnan Make in India (MiI) was announced on 25th September, 2014 in the hope that more manufacturing means more jobs. Make in China 2025 (MiC25) was announced on 20th May, 2015 in the hope that more manufacturing can be done with less jobs! Silicon Valley’s controversial Marc Andreesen says, “Manufacturing is a government-subsidised jobs programme.”13th May 2016, BUSINESS STANDARD
We need a national framework to address agricultural problems. On a recent visit to China, I noticed that Premier Le Keqiang wants ‘mass entrepreneurship’.24th April 2016, ECONOMIC TIMES
An effective legal system can function if it is built on a strong moral foundation in society. The civil engineering principle is relevant—poor foundation, wobbly skyscraper!12th April 2016, BUSINESS STANDARD
In the previous column, I described a successful collaboration between academia and industry; I emphasized the need for managers skilled in boundary because they are invaluable.