8th August 2013, BUSINESS STANDARD
What are the barriers for an organisation that wants to promote a culture of experimentation? Last month’s InnoColumn (Spurring associative thinking, July 12) referred to the challenge of nudging organisations to encourage experimentation,11th July 2013, BUSINESS STANDARD
Innovation can thrive only in a climate that encourages risk-taking In the previous InnoColumn (It's all in the mindsets, June 14), the idea of a growth mindset was explored.13th June 2013, BUSINESS STANDARD
Being growth-oriented is better than being fixated on avoiding failure InnoColumn will explore practices of real innovators in a practical rather than in an academic mode.Published on 3rd January 2013, BUSINESS STANDARD
“Character is not homogeneous, like a quart of milk. It is sectional, like a grapefruit. Everyone has good sections and bad. One person may be strongly loyal to the bossPublished on 20th February 2012, BUSINESS STANDARD
The Indian retail boom awaits business model innovations Foreign direct investment into the Indian retail sector is controversial,Published on 12th September 2011, BUSINESS STANDARD
I have worked for twenty four years on company boards in many roles: as an executive and as a non-executive director, in India and overseas, as independent and non-independent director, and in international as well as in Indian companies.Published on 7th February 2011, ECONOMIC TIMES
In public and corporate life, there are huge costs of not speaking up or of not listening to those who speak up: the Sathyam scam and the BP oil spill disaster are both telling examples.6th December 2010, ECONOMIC TIMES
Bitzua, chutzpah, rosh gadol and other Hebrew expressions come alive in an eminently readable and inspiring book called Start-Up Nation:1st November 2010, ECONOMIC TIMES
The word ‘parenting’ conjures visions of nurturing and inspiring; it does not connote involvement with and intrusion into any and everything that the child does.