30th October 2006, ECONOMIC TIMES
A career means different things to different people. To some, it is an end point: it is a statement of ambition e.g. I must become the CEO of this company. To others, it means the landmarks on the way e.g. I must become regional manager in two years and general manager in three years thereafter. To most it is a combination. However, these are all ‘destinations’ and not the ‘journey’.23rd October 2006, ECONOMIC TIMES
Management is about leadership--of people, of ideas, of markets. It is not merely about how far you go, and definitely not about doing what you are told to do; it is about doing what you are paid to do. Managers need to remind themselves about this eternal truth.16th October 2006, ECONOMIC TIMES
While reflecting about the column on careers and business life, I asked myself what purpose could be served by such an effort. A simple idea, supported by a simple story,16th October 2006, ECONOMIC TIMES
While reflecting about the column on careers and business life, I asked myself what purpose could be served by such an effort.13th August 2006, ECONOMIC TIMES
Adhyaksha means official in Sanskrit, and the chief among officials is the Raja Adhyaksha. It is rare to be a fine gentleman as well as a successful chief executive. It is even rarer to possess a surname that describes such a characteristic; It is a one-in-a-zillion coincidence to have a real-life personality that matches your name and profession.10th August 2006, ECONOMIC TIMES
Philosophy tells us that knowledge is what we know we know. Intuition is what we do not know we know. When knowledge merges into the intuition, there is wisdom. Successful transformations need wisdom.
15th March 2006, ECONOMIC TIMES
We thought of writing this piece when recently, we were seated adjacently at a national chamber of commerce meeting. The mood was euphoric and kudos is due to our economic policies, the corporate sector and to those selling the India story. Ministers Lalu and Chidambaram have both delivered their magical budget acts, sending the mood index to stratospheric levels.8th July 2005, BUSINESS STANDARD
Successful innovators often take a measured approach. They postpone gratification and focus on execution I was a bit surprised but pleased by the spate of responses to my InnoColumn last month ("Innovators who strangle innovation", May 14).8th July 2005, ECONOMIC TIMES
While reflecting about the column on careers and business life, I asked myself what purpose could be served by such an effort. A simple idea, supported by a simple story, could be a positive format for learning and reflection and practising managers could find that useful.