
October 31, 2019

Building startups and companies that last

30th October 2019 BUSINESS STANDARD

In a previous column (BS, 25th Sep), I had described a progressive and happy society as one where enterprise, education and eudaemonia (=well-being) co-exist.
October 15, 2019

The bear will soon visit your garden also

11rd October 2019 BUSINESS STANDARD

Readers of my last three articles in this column have asked for an example to exemplify my advocacy that independent directors can and should act on signals rather than wait for a crisis to crack open
October 9, 2019

Enterprise, education and eudaemonia

25th September 2019 BUSINESS STANDARD

Indian CEOs should strategize on the fostering of business institutions rather than just running companies. Institutions are superior to companies, just like forts are superior to modern bungalows. India needs more forts.
October 9, 2019

Can you be a shaper of great institutions?

03rd October 2019 BUSINESS STANDARD

As a business strategist and writer, R. Gopalakrishnan has devoted his work to studying ethics, leadership, and human capital. He began his 31-year-long career at Unilever’s massive...
October 3, 2019

Creating Ethical Leaders: Can ethics be taught?

30th, September 2019 FOUNDING FUEL

Ethics can be learnt, though it may be considered difficult to teach. What matters is the kind of experiences young managers are exposed to.
September 11, 2019

Distant Thunder and Sher Khan

11th September 2019 BUSINESS STANDARD

I responded to an event organizer’s request for an unconventional biodata about myself by sending something like
September 3, 2019

Directors should act on signals

29th August 2019 BUSINESS STANDARD

How do you deal with a high performing CEO, who is arrogant, in-your-face and cocky? Watch very carefully for prodromal signals and act on the 5C’s: consider, consult, counsel, coach and, if all fail, then confront
August 2, 2019

Business ‘Institutions’ essential for India’s growth

02nd August 2019 BUSINESS STANDARD

Reading recent books on business—pharma, financial services, technology firms—it appears that we love to hate business. The truth is that we just cannot do without them. So we mock them, criticize them.
July 30, 2019

Creating an innovation ecosystem


Although the group had showcased somany examples ofinnovations over thelastcentury, the prevailing perception internally and externally in 2005,...